Book your cleaning with HHH Cleaning Services at 678-855-6656

Car Interior Cleaning


Protect your upholstery and car carpet with a fabric protector. This product prevents dirt and helps remove stains. Car upholstery cleaning with steam removes dirt and helps remove stains.

Getting your car carpet cleaned is also an important step when it comes to selling your car. Steam-cleaning it helps keep it looking its best.

Not only does a car wash do a great job on the outside, it also has to clean the interior. HHH Cleaning uses a truck-mounted extraction system to thoroughly clean both the carpet and upholstery of your vehicle.

Getting rid of the grime and stains from your car upholstery and carpets is an important step to keeping it looking good. At HHH Cleaning, we use steam to remove all of the grime and contaminants from your vehicle.

Most of us in Atlanta clean our cars at least once a week. However, even though this is a step toward keeping our vehicles clean, what most of us fail to realize is that the dirt and bacteria in our cars are still present in their upholstery and carpet.
